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Publish DateNo.TitleCategory
2025-01-1724/25-228Form 6 graduates activities for academic year 2024-25General
2025-01-1524/25-225 (REF1)Timetable for Form 6 Mock ExaminationGeneral
2025-01-1524/25-225Form 6 Mock Examination and Arrangement for students during study leave periodGeneral
2025-01-1024/25-216After school self studyGeneral
2025-01-0224/25-206"Just mobile, forget the parents, what can I do?" parents lectureGeneral
2025-01-0224/25-205"ICAN Good parents" online school-based learning courseGeneral
2025-01-0224/25-199VTC further study seminarGeneral
2024-12-1824/25-194After school oral practice for Form 3General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 6)General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 5)General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 4)General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 3)General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 2)General
2024-12-1824/25-193School Circular for January (Form 1)General
2024-12-1624/25-189The Basic Law self-learning online courses for Forms 1-3General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.3C (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.3B (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.3A (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.2C (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.2B (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.2A (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.1C (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.1B (second term)General
2024-12-1424/25-188After school tutorial for F.1A (second term)General
2024-12-1024/25-172Diversified Learning Activities Day (Form 6)General
2024-12-1024/25-172Diversified Learning Activities Day (Form 4)General
2024-12-0624/25-170"MBTI Analysis and Parent-child communication" workshopGeneral
2024-12-0224/25-159Medical Seminars by PTA AcademyGeneral
2024-12-0224/25-158Study tours outside Hong Kong in academic year 2024-25General
2024-11-2824/25-152Campus Resting day for Form 5General
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