The Feast of Mary Help of Christians
2024-05-24 (Friday)
Location : Saint Jude's Church
Leader : Religious Education team
Category : Academic

All teachers and students, our school benefactor Mr. Francis Leung and some parents also attended the Thanksgiving Mass together. The ceremony was presided by Fr. Domingos Leong, the Provincial of the Salesians of Don Bosco China Province. In his sermon, Fr. Leong reminded students to always have a grateful heart and to become yeast that influences others through selfless service. He invited students to do a service action for their families silently on that day. During the ceremony, the choir performed "Benedictus" and all students sang "Give Thanks" together, thanking God for all the graces He has given in the past year. Awards for different competitions were also presented before the celebration ended.

Design of Prayer Card for Form 1 students

  • 1A Tam Ho Him Michael
  • 1B Tsoi Tsz Tsun
  • 1C Ching Yik Hei

Scrapbook on Kindness for Form 2 students

  • 2B Lin Yin Long
  • 2B Lee Jerry Chak Yui
  • 2C Lo Wai Hei
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