Mental health week
2024-01-15 To 19
Location : Social worker office; Badminton field
Leader : ECA team
Category : Academic
The Mental Health Week aims to promote students' awareness of mental health and resilience by organizing a week-long series of activities to help students develop positive mental health habits and skills. The activities include workshops, booth games, music performances, and movie screenings.

In the workshops, professional social workers shared knowledge about mental health and stress management with students through interactive activities. Topics such as emotional management, interpersonal relationships, and self-care were discussed, and practical advice was provided.

The booth games aimed to release stress and teach students about various aspects of mental health through fun games. We also organized art-related performances to showcase students' talents and creativity, further boosting their confidence and sense of happiness.

Address : 16 Chai Wan Road Shau Kei WanTel : 2560 2134 | Fax : 2568 9697
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